Monday, June 22, 2009

Lemonade Anyone?

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.

Ere goes the first few lines of one of my favorite hymns. This hymn reminds me of the beauty of nature and the God who created it. The timeless words to this hymn were written by Cecil F. Alexander in 1848. This is the story of Creation from the Book of Genesis.

Life is an awesome, astounding, wonderful, beautiful, miraculous, thing.I remember preparing for the birth of my first child. Even though intellectually, I knew what was going on, the emotional, spiritual, and physical experience was beyond words. From cells, a human being is formed. I am convinced babies have their own distinct personalities before birth. Before a child is conceived, she is known by the Creator. I am blessed to have two daughters who will soon be embarking on their own paths in life.

Each little flow'r that opens
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors
He made their tiny wings.

No, motherhood is not easy. Is anything worthwhile ever easy? I'd say motherhood is rewarding, enriching, full of joy and pain. The hardest part of being a mom for me was when my beautiful baby girls started pulling away from me to find their own identities. That is how it is supposed to be. I look forward to the next chapter in my life relating to my children in their adult selves. No matter their ages, I will remember the little baby girls that used to cling to me whenever a stranger was near.

The cold in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.

My oldest daughter has been living with her father since she was 14. She is now 18 and preparing for her freshman year of college. The youngest daughter at 16, is back home with me after living with her dad and sister for 2 years. I went from suddenly having an empty nest to having a 16 year old roommate. I have enjoyed having my youngest daughter back at home. We are having a lot of summer fun.

I love the summer weather. My daughter and I have been riding our bikes around town witnessing the beauty of creation. Summer is also the time when lemonade is served after church. There is a volunteer list to serve lemonade. Guess what? I signed up to serve lemonade. This time last year, I could not see any good that would come out of me living apart from my children. Both of my children decided to go live with their father. During those years, they also decided to stop attending church.

What good came out of the separation? Suddenly, I had so much free time. I was free to pursue my interests and hobbies. I ended up enrolling in college,rekindling my interest in painting,and engaging in activities that challenged and stimulated me creatively and intellectually. My children grew, and matured to find themselves.(I think this is called "growing pains"). They had to decide what influences from both parents they were going to accept or reject.

I invite you to come to church and enjoy a cup of sweet lemonade.

He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

Copyright 2009, Michelle I. Peterson. Some rights reserved.
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