Monday, January 25, 2010

She's Using what She's Got

"I will do my best to be: honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place and be a sister to every Girl Scout." The Girl Scout Law
It is January, 2010. I wonder how all those New Year's Resolutions are going? I have gotten out of the habit of making annual resolutions. Instead, I periodically reflect on: how things are going, what is working or not, and what changes I want to make. I am in an eternal mode of improvement. I am constantly making lemonade. One of the changes I want to make this year is to be more conservative.

The United States is a capitalist economy. The economy that is driven by production and fueled by the consumer. Americans are collectors and hoarders of lots and lots of stuff. We are not satisfied with just one: two income household, two career family, two automobiles, etc. Is it possible to have too much? Most Americans are rich in comparison to citizens in other countries. In America, all children can go to school. We have electricity, clean water, and cheap consumer goods.

This year, I chose to honor my commitment on being active in conservation by consuming less. I do not need to purchase items I already have. Why purchase a new stylish pair of jeans when I have jeans from 1990 that are in good condition? (Watch out folks in the office.) I have lots and lots of resources.

Some of the best friends and fun I had were with the members of Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana. ( ) Girl Scouts is where I learned how to build a fire, pitch a tent, and cook over a campfire. It is at Girl Scouts where I learned about a great mosquito and bug repellent: fabric softener sheets. Instead of using bug spray, just smooth a fabric softner sheet over the exposed skin. It works!

This year, I am committing to the Girl Scout Law "...use resources wisely." My energy will be focused on using what I have. (click on the title "She's Using what She's Got" for a treat.)

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Sounds of Music

I enjoy creating. It is a great stress reliever for me. I wrote the song "Do Ya Thank?" in 2000. This song is from my cd 'Cruise Control'.

Since I was a very young child, I have sang. My mother used to sing in a kind of humming way. She didn't sing much but played a lot of music. As a young child music was all around. When mom was in a jovial mood she would play any and all kinds of music on the radio and on the stereo. Her musical variety included: soul, rock, soft rock, jazz, instrumental, orchestra and country. In times of sadness mom would play the blues. I remember hearing BB King while strumming Lucy(his guitar), bellow in his voice full of memories, experience and pain about his troubles. I guess maybe the blues made momma feel better. I personally don't like the blues. I find it depressing. That's the great thing about music, there's a song for everyone, every mood or emotion.

When I wasn't submersed in sounds of music, I started creating my own. I started making up my own lyrics and melodies. One year when I was 7, mom sis and I were in a consignment shop. My sister and I spotted an electric piano. I remember being so excited and asking mom if she would get. The price was right! Sis and I played and played that little electric piano a lot. Sometimes, we would argue about who was on it longer. "It's my turn now. Get off. You've been on it too long...Mom!!!"

I have cassette tapes of songs I have written 20 years ago. Mostly, the music I make is just for me. However, that changed a couple of years ago when I was brainstorming for a fundraiser for The Leukemia Society. I was inspired to fund raise for LS on behalf of my niece Renee. She has Hodgkins Disease which is now in remission. After years of chemotherapy and blood transfusions, my niece is doing well. Despite her initial grim prognosis, Renee gave birth to a healthy baby girl in September 2009. My commitment along with other participants was to run a min-marathon and raised $2,000. While working out at the gym, I happened to mention my fundraising dilemma to one of the gals in my cycling class. Maria said she would gladly contribute. I told Maria about my songwriting. I had just finished making my cd "Cruise Control". I didn't have any plans for my music except maybe sharing with friends. Maria said she'd purchase my cd. Thus, my fundraising was on the way. For a contribution of $10 to The Leukemia Society, my donors received a cd. All things worked out well. I completed the mini-marathon and met my fundraising goal. Thanks to all the great people who donated.

How did I create the music for this video? Yeah, that's me a-playing and a-singing on a full sized Yamaha keyboard. I purchased it at a pawn shop. The price was right!

"Copyright Michelle Peterson 2010. Some rights reserved. ."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a New Year!

I am grateful to God for blessing me to see another Earth year: 2010. Every year, at the year's end, I reflect upon the year that is passed, anticipate and plan for the year to come.

These are some things I am thankful for in 2009. I am glad I was able to reconnect with family ties. I also have made new friends and reunited with old friends. Sometimes my family and friends challenge me, and encourage me. Other times they present me with opportunities to experience different view points and hear other voices.

How did I bring in the new year?

Quietness with candle light,
sitting in silence.
Listening to my thoughts,
feeling God's presence.
Uttering words of rememberance,
thankfulness and hope.

On New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, I participated in a telephone prayer and meditation led by Harry Pickens.( How did the meditation affect me? I am inspired to continue living life and striving to make things better. I desire to be a good steward of the many blessings I have been given. I desire to be a blessing to others. Using the Earth's resources responsibly, is important to me. (Click on the title "It's a New Year! for a gift.)

Copyright 2010 Michelle I Peterson. Some rights reserved. To reproduce or distribute, visit: